News from Waikato Women’s Refuge
TE WHAKARURUHAU – January 2020
Kia ora koutou,
Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou – Happy New Year friends and supporters.
As you can imagine this time of year is very busy at the refuge and I want to thank the staff who provided the much-needed 24/7 support during the Christmas period.
I also want to express my gratitude to everyone who supported our Christmas celebrations. Our party at the Western Community Centre was a huge success with the families we support. Thanks to Neil Tolan and the team for providing this amazing venue free of charge. We had awesome the amazing Rapid Relief Team bring their BBQ trailer to cook the sausages and they provided other sweet treats as well. The gifts we were able to supply to the whānau went down a treat. Without your contribution, no matter how big or small, we would not have been able to spread so much joy at a time when our families need it most. We are also grateful to Judi Lady Gallagher for the Christmas treats she delivered to our safe house, they mean so much to the families who are not yet in their own homes during the festive season..
We are looking forward to catching up with many of you at our Saving Rose gala dinner fundraiser on Friday 6 March. If you haven’t already bought your tickets I urge you to get in quick. We are excited to bring you a fantastic line-up of food and entertainment, with our MC Alison Mau, guest speaker Glen Osborne, kapa haka performed by Te Kōpū Mānia, fashion show by Nichola Te Kiri and live and silent autcion.
Check out below to purchase your tickets.
Ngā mihi,
Roni Albert
Waikato Women’s Refuge Te Whakaruruhau CEO
The Saving Rose Gala Dinner is Waikato Women’s Refuge annual fundraising event. For 2020 we have brought forward the date of the event to Friday 6 March to coincide with International Women’s Day. Gather together a group of friends or work colleagues and join us for an evening of good company, great food and amazing entertainment at Claudelands Event Centre as we celebrate and support the critical work Waikato Refuge does in our community.
We’ve made it easier for you to buy your tickets for Saving Rose. Just click on the link below and chose the number of individual tickets or tables you would like to purchase. You can pay using credit card or online banking.
Stephanie Collis has worked at the refuge for the past three and a half years. She came to refuge as a social work student and loved it so much she stayed. She on the crisis team, dealing with the initial callouts and visits to the whānau.
Why drives you to do what you do at WWR? I like seeing the change in people. No matter how big or how small.
A quote that sums you up? “We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?”
What is your spirit animal, and why? Polar Bear – I am not defined by color or race – and I fight for what I believe in.
Three famous people you would invite to dinner and what would you cook? Elton John, Adele, Ed Sheeran. Steak and eggs.
What song would be the anthem for your life? Favourite song – Your Song by Elton John